About Me

Writing this blog is my way of coping with the stress and strife of my life. I hope you enjoy it and I hope to keep it entertaining!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Life as I see it....

I am slowly coming to terms with myself that a perfectionist I am not. Try as I might I just do not have that magical touch that I see in others. Hubby was a perfectionist to a point that I at times want to scream.

I am a firm believer than if you make some thing from your own hands it should have that little flaw in it  that shows that the love and care of the heart went into it. If it appears that a small child had tried to create it then you must admit that you were not born with the artist DNA.

Yet as I gaze upon the "wonderful" lighted display that I had tried to create I must remind myself perfectionist or not the flaws do not show in the ohs and ahs that were sounded when I plugged it in. Maybe next year I will have the display of my dreams.....

Friday, December 7, 2012

Life as I see it....

Tis' the season!!!! I am not talking about Christmas more like cold, sinus, flu, and crud season. My house now has all of the above.

Knock on wood I have not shown any signs of losing my voice or coughing hacking sneezing. Poor Mom has had everything settle into her sinuses which leads to limited stuff over the counter that she can take due to high blood pressure. I have been plying her with orange juice, cranberry juice, and soups hoping to get her back to her smiling happy self soon!

The granddaughter has lost her voice, trying to decide if that is a blessing or not. She does not believe in the old pen to paper method she is now blowing my phone up with text messages. 

I myself am feeling fine except for an occasional sneeze here and there. I can not give in to the luxury of being snuggle up in bed with a cup of hot tea while I leave little kleenix bunnies all over the bed covers......

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life as I see it...

Today is a bitter sweet day for me. Today would have been the hubby's 57th birthday had he been able to get rid of the demon known as Cancer.

I really don't look at today being a day of sadness more of a day of memories.  A day that was the start of his time clock here on earth. What hours, minutes, and seconds he had on this earth he lived them to the fullest. 

Today at lunch time I will go get a ballon scribble my messages of love and memories of him on it and send it on it's way heaven bound. I will watch the ballon sail up into the bright blue sky for a few minutes then I shall return back to work.

His time may be over on this earth but my time clock still clicks on and I feel like I still have things to do that he was never able to fully finish.....

Monday, December 3, 2012

Life as I see it.....

Shopping any time of year can either be fun or a chore. I try to make it fun and not lose my patience too much. I have been on both sides of the retail feeding chain so I know. Yesterday was a chore.

I took the two ladies shopping in a major boxstore. Now both my ladies are fine shopping if the stores are relatively quiet or people are just being nice to each other. If the latter is not being met then things can get a little un-nerving for them.

I try and stay up with Mom or at least in phone contact in case she needs something off the top or bottom of the shelve. The granddaughter usually hangs with me or stays in phone contact. We were one phone down yesterday so I handed my phone to Mom....then I lost eye sight with the granddaughter.

The store wasn't so much busy as it was full of some really rude people. By the time the granddaughter had caught back up with me she was ready to pull her hair out and/or scream. She had had enough!!!

Poor Mom had enough too. A person can only take so much shoving and pushing. Why do people have to be so rude mainly when a poor little old lady is just trying to finish her Christmas shopping........

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Life as I see it...

Random acts of kindness, one of the many ways to put a smile on some one face. These acts do not have to be always of the monetary kind the ones that are spur of the moment and from the heart are the best.

Whether it is opening a door for some one who can't or reaching some thing off the top shelf for a person who is short these are little acts of kindness. Some times on a whim buying that cup of coffee for the person behind you in line or paying some one toll. 

I try every day to do something nice and surprising for some one. It makes me feel good. Acts of kindness are a way of life I love to see or read about every day. 

It doesn't take much and you don't have to wrap it up in pretty paper and put a bow on it. The reward I get when I see that smile appear on some ones face, it puts a smile on mine. Have you done your random act of kindness today....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Life as I see it...

Why is it when you think you have another leg up on that tree of life that a limb breaks and you lose some footing??? I am having one of those weeks!!!

It seem like when you find that you are getting ahead and can sit back and finally start entertaining the thought of a some what normal life a problem will erupt and you are back where you started. The proverbial  one step forward and in my case five steps back!

One thing I have learn tho is that stressing over it only adds to the problem and doesn't help solve it. There is always an answer or a solution it just at times impatience's  kicks in!

Salt over the shoulder, four leaf clover in my pocket, or a lucky rabbit foot on my key chain I think I will just put it in the hands of the big guy upstairs....

Monday, November 26, 2012

Life as I see it...

As we get closer to the holidays I often shake my head in amazement. This is suppose to be the season of goodwill towards men. I have yet to see any. In fact I think I have seen more Scrooge like behavior than there really need to be.

I have also observed that there is not as many glimpses of glitter adorning the landscape. I know there has been Christmas displays in the store since the end of August but I am noting that the city streets and light poles are slow in coming alive.

I am one of these that start the slow process of decorating just after the first of December but I do it get there. I love to see the decorations out and about that gives me the inspiration of trying to do something grand or at least give some inspiration.

As for the goodwill I do try to do my very best to keep that in my heart and brain not just for the holiday season but for the the whole year.  Isn't that the way it should be.......